Thursday, October 29, 2009

All is well

PJ's 9-month well-baby checkup went, um... well. He is 20.5 lbs and in the 50th percentile for height and weight. An average baby! He has two little bottom teeth poking through -- much more noticeable for anyone who forgets and lets him suck on their hand or arm (ouch!). It seems that he is above average in developmental milestones: He's not only pulling up on the furniture and cruising around, but he's sometimes brave enough to let go and stand on his own for a few seconds. And the little darling loves to have "conversations" with anyone willing to answer his baby talk.

Big C is finally getting the hang of fractions, thanks to some extra workbooks on the subject. He's halfway through the 4-book series and is hardly missing any questions now. He's also enjoying learning about explorers and the Renaissance.

Miss T loves her tumbling class. She's still working on her cartwheel technique but her bridges are looking better every week. Not quite ready for back-handsprings, but making progress in coordination and flexibility!

Mr G saw Miss T having so much fun in her class that he asked to try gymnastics, too. He's just so cute bouncing and swinging and wiggling around. His class has 4 boys and 1 girl, ages 3-5. They use the trampoline, the vault, the uneven bars, the rings and the mat. He tries really hard and is the BEST behaved one in the group. (No mom-bias here, he really does pay attention and follow instructions.)

K is doing great in his classes this semester. He's sent out a few resumes, but isn't really focusing on the job hunt since he won't finish until May.

We took the kids to the Texas Renaissance Festival last weekend. More on that later...