Friday, December 11, 2009

Calvin: A new perspective on The Three Bears

Calvin's assignment: Rewrite a fairy tale from an unexpected perspective. He decided to retell Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
One day in Bear World three bears were reading The Daily Bear newspaper during breakfast. The three bears -- a father, a mother and their son -- were getting ready to enjoy their honey-flavored Mini Wheats when they saw an ad for free golf. But the deal was only good from 8 a.m. to noon. So they decided to skip the cereal and eat at the golf place instead.

They got into their Bearmobile and went to Golfing Bears Putt-Putt. After 18 holes of golfing and a three-way tie, the family ate honey pancakes. Once they were full and ready for a nap, they headed home. But when they got there, they found the place trashed. Dad Bear went to the honey-money box and discovered it was empty!

Suddenly, they saw the robber! They grabbed her and threw her in the closet. Mama Bear called the Bear Police. The robber was named Talia Goldilocks, and she was a wanted criminal. The Bear Family received a reward for catching her -- $50,000 in honey-money.

The End


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