Friday, August 21, 2009

The "pink plague"

Poor Miss T has one puffy, red eye. The going rate to clear up a case of pink eye: $40 copay, $35 prescription. Yikes! Well, the drugs are a little less if you don't mind dosing 6x a day instead of 2x. But still... $75!

Miss T has been banned from touching her brothers, the Wii remotes, the TV remote, the computer and just about everything else in the house. And the poor thing has to put up with us "reminding" her every few minutes to wash her hands. She says the worst thing about it is that nobody wants to hug her. And the best thing is that she doesn't have to do any chores.

C is paranoid that he'll catch the bug and doesn't want to be within 2 feet of her. (Not that I mind.) Except that he does seem to enjoy running up and hollering "Pink plague, pink plague!" every little while.

I'm so glad they rarely get sick.


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