Sunday, August 16, 2009

PJ: 08.15.09

The little one is about 6.5 mos old now. Yesterday I grabbed him and the camera and headed out to the yard for a quickie photo session. He's just so cute! And happy! (Just pretend you don't see the drool on his shirt.)

Since I don't have school photos to rely on, I've been a bit of a slacker when it comes to portraits of the kids. We have snapshots on the computer of various events and happenings, but not much in the way of portraits. It's that perfection again -- if they don't have matching outfits and perfect hair (meaning, recently trimmed), then I have an excuse not to take pictures. But now I've decided just to do one at a time, making it more manageable. A group shot is NOT going to turn out the way I'd like anyhow -- it's pretty much impossible to get them all looking the same direction and smiling nicely at the same time.

So this one is my first of the four, and I think it's pretty sweet. And I've already picked up the 8x10. Next step: Dig out a frame and hang it on the wall. Then, on to the next kid.


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